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A free proxy that uses the Tor network to help keep you anonymous and free

A free proxy that uses the Tor network to help keep you anonymous and free

Vote: (22 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: The Tor Project

Version: 16.6.3-RC-1-tor.

Works under: Android


Program license

(22 votes)




The Tor Project


Works under:



  • Simple, user-friendly interface
  • Allows for app-specific routing
  • Provides comprehensive online anonymity


  • May slow down internet connections
  • Does not always recognize all apps
  • Lacks a function to ignore VPN whitelist


Orbot: Tor for Android is a privacy-focused application that allows users to browse the internet anonymously. It acts as a VPN, routing your traffic through the Tor network to protect your identity and data.

Functionality and Features

Orbot's functionality is rooted in its simplicity. Its easy-to-use interface enables users to switch the service on and off with a single click. When Orbot is on, all of your internet traffic is routed through the Tor network, providing comprehensive online anonymity. The application also offers the ability to generate a new path through the Tor network, further enhancing its privacy capabilities.

One of the key strengths of Orbot is its flexibility. For those concerned about specific applications, Orbot allows for app-specific routing. This means you can choose which applications are routed through the Tor network and which aren't. However, some users have reported that the software does not always recognize all applications, particularly when certain optimization or sleep settings are enabled on the device.


While Orbot's primary goal is to provide anonymity rather than speed, users should be aware that routing traffic through the Tor network may slow down internet connections. Despite this, many users report being satisfied with Orbot's performance, emphasizing their willingness to trade speed for increased privacy.

On the downside, some users have requested an option to ignore the VPN whitelist, thus forcing all apps to utilize the Tor connection, regardless of whether they're recognized by the software. This indicates that while Orbot is generally well-received, there may be room for improvement in terms of its compatibility and customization options.


In sum, Orbot: Tor for Android is a robust and straightforward tool for those seeking to safeguard their online privacy. Despite minor issues with app recognition and a potential impact on connection speed, its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive anonymity features make it a valuable asset for privacy-conscious users.


  • Simple, user-friendly interface
  • Allows for app-specific routing
  • Provides comprehensive online anonymity


  • May slow down internet connections
  • Does not always recognize all apps
  • Lacks a function to ignore VPN whitelist